Riley's Creek Men's Ministry strives to help men become a man who...
Have a Meaningful Relationship with Jesus Christ
We provide men with opportunities for a life-changing relationship with Jesus that yields a heart-felt dependence on Him, daily prayer and praise to Him, and a passionate pursuit of Him through learning and living His Word. Psalm 61:8; John 3:3; 15:5; Ephesians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; James 1:21-25; 1 John 4:13-16
Lead Their Families in the Faith
We equip men to lead their families by modeling a Christ-centered life, a meaningful prayer life, and a love for God’s Word, giving them a daily example of how a Christian should think, speak, and live. Deuteronomy 6:5-9; Job 1:1-5; John 13:15; Ephesians 5:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:13;1 Peter 3:7
Reflect Jesus in the Church
We empower men to reflect Jesus in the church by being a source of unity in the body and prayer warriors for its leaders, and by using their giftedness to serve Christ and lead others with a selfless heart. Acts 20:28; Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 5:1-2; Philippians 2:1-4; 1 Timothy 2:8; 4:11-16
Reflect Jesus in Their Community
We challenge men to reflect Jesus in the local and global communities by displaying the effects of the gospel in a person’s life, proclaiming the message of the gospel to a lost world, and by demonstrating the power of the gospel through compassionate service. Matthew 5:16; 28:19-20; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 3:16-17; 1 John 1:3-7
Men's Gathering
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Our Men's Gathering meets on the fourth Thursday of the month. We've got manly food, manly door prizes, and a men's group message.
Baptist Men

Riley's Creek's Baptist Men is a group of men that enjoy sharing God's love with hurting people through word and deed. We are made up of men from all walks of life who desire to use our time and skills to minister to others. While the level of skills may vary from man to man, all we ask is that our volunteers are willing to do whatever needs to be done.
The Baptist Men meet once a month to fellowship with one another and plan our next work projects. These meetings usually include dinner. For questions or information about Baptist Men, please call 910.675.2127.
We work in the homes of those in our community. The kind of work we do includes, but is not limited to, building handicap ramps, removing trees, making repairs to roofs and homes, and cleaning up yards. Our main goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ while doing these projects.
Many of our men and women participate in the Disaster Relief program through the Baptist State Convention of N.C. They attend training that prepares them to respond to emergency situations both in the United States and worldwide. At a moment's notice, they are ready to pack up to go minister to the physical and spiritual needs of hurting people.
The Baptist Men meet once a month to fellowship with one another and plan our next work projects. These meetings usually include dinner. For questions or information about Baptist Men, please call 910.675.2127.
We work in the homes of those in our community. The kind of work we do includes, but is not limited to, building handicap ramps, removing trees, making repairs to roofs and homes, and cleaning up yards. Our main goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ while doing these projects.
Many of our men and women participate in the Disaster Relief program through the Baptist State Convention of N.C. They attend training that prepares them to respond to emergency situations both in the United States and worldwide. At a moment's notice, they are ready to pack up to go minister to the physical and spiritual needs of hurting people.